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Defensive Security Podcast Episode 146





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Defensive Security Podcast Episode 30

Escrow service company forced to close after $1.5M theft resulting from malware, Incentives for complying with cyber framework, Benefits of expanding the cyber insurance market, Thousands of .nl domains redirected to black hole exploit kit

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Escrow service company forced to close after $1.5M theft resulting from malware: http://krebsonsecurity.com/2013/08/1-5-million-cyberheist-ruins-escrow-firm/

Incentives for complying with cyber framework: http://www.csoonline.com/article/737795/white-house-considers-incentives-for-cybersecurity?page=1

Benefits of expanding the cyber insurance market: http://nakedsecurity.sophos.com/2013/08/09/will-insurance-firms-be-the-big-winners-in-the-struggle-for-cyber-security/

Thousands of .nl domains redirected to black hole exploit kit: http://www.zdnet.com/dutch-dns-server-hack-thousands-of-sites-serve-up-malware-7000019196/