Tag Archives: drive by infection

Defensive Security Podcast Episode 25

Snowden offered asylum, Germany’s interior minister cautions Germans against using US-based services, California AG urges legislation to require the use of encryption, 85% of virus infections are from drive by download, Attacks on energy sector, Texas government infections, MS Tuesday

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85% of virus infections are from drive by downloads: http://www.csis.dk/en/csis/news/3981/

Attacks on energy sector: http://securityaffairs.co/wordpress/15820/security/ics-cert-surge-in-attacks-against-energy-industry.html

Texas government infections: http://www.kens5.com/news/State-computers-compromised-but-theres-not-enough-staff-to-fix-it-214231541.html

MS Tuesday: http://www.theregister.co.uk/2013/07/05/ms_july_2013_patch_tuesday_prealert/